HCT Ramadan Talks – Is Green Hydrogen The Fuel Of The Future?
This is a highly salient topic for discussion and exploration during the Year of Sustainability.
Led by a highly-qualified HCT Engineering faculty member, Fouad Mattar, the inaugural HCT Ramadan Talks event, is a student-focused round-table discussion forum involving eight highly motivated HCT students, who will discuss and debate the topic in an interactive and engaging format.
The forum will delve into a range of topics as to why Green Hydrogen could be an ideal source of energy, as more nations seek to find alternatives to their oil-based economies. Hence, the session will consider:
- What constitutes Green Hydrogen;
- Its comparisons to Blue and Grey Hydrogen;
- How it out performs those forms in terms of environmental impacts;
- How & where it is produced;
- Its applications;
- Its benefits & drawbacks;
- The current state of the Green Hydrogen industry & how it can be advanced;
- The potential for the industry in the UAE;
- How can educators and students get involved in Green Hydrogen;
- Potential for student startups related to Green Hydrogen (electrolysis);
- The next steps forward.
The forum ultimately seeks to act as an awareness initiative for the HCT community and the genesis of a call to action for youth to be more fully involved in such sustainability-oriented endeavors.
Venue Academic City Campus
Date 17/04/2023