Student Photography Competition
A digital photography competition, with the theme of “Life is Beautiful”, will be a feature of the online HCT Digital Literacy Leadership Forum, to be held from June 1-2, 2022. Student photographers from around the globe are invited to submit their stories and perspectives, incorporating the competition theme and captured through a camera lens or by mobile phone. Ten (10) photographs will be selected by a judging panel for display at a virtual exhibition and the best three (3) photographs will be awarded cash prizes and certificates. The competition has been made possible by the generous support of the forum’s corporate sponsor – Grapheast Elite Education, Adobe Distribution Partner in the MENA region.
Submission Requirements:
- All college/university students from around the world are eligible to participate in the competition
- All college/university students from around the world are eligible to participate in the competition.
- Each student can only submit ONE photography entry.
- Portrait or Landscape photographs taken thorough mobile phones or professional cameras are accepted.
- Creative, clear, high resolution photographs should be submitted.
- The photographs should reflect the theme “Life is Beautiful”.
- Creative interpretation and expression of the theme should be considered.
- While editing the photo, only color corrections can be done. Manipulated photos will not be accepted.
- The submitted photos should include a caption (Do not exceed five words) and submitted through the competition submission link.
- File limit should not exceed 9 MB.
- The last day for submissions is 5pm on May 30, 2022.
- The decision of the Judging panel is final.
- The HCT Applied Media Faculty reserves the right to use any submitted photos for promotional or marketing purposes.
Entries can be submitted using the Submission Link:
Entry Evaluation Criteria:
- Storytelling/Concept: Creative presentation of the theme
- Quality of the photo: Resolution and clarity
- Application of design or photographic principles: Use of lighting, composition, and balance etc.
- Technical skills: Use of exposure, depth of field and focus etc.
- Visual Appeal: Color, value, contrast, artistic expression etc.