Advanced Materials, Design and Manufacturing
About the Conference:
The conference will host scientists, engineers and designers, from Academia and Industry, coming from around the globe. It aims to promote the proper application of advanced materials, design and manufacturing technologies in different fields, the conference aims to represent a forum for exchanging ideas, presenting the latest developments and trends, proposing new solutions and promoting international collaborations.
Accelerating Innovation in Materials Science, Design and Manufacturing Technologies.
This conference aims to promote the proper application of advanced materials, design and manufacturing technologies in different fields. It is a great pleasure for the HCT to invite you to attend the first International Conference on Advanced Materials, Design and Manufacturing (AMDM) to be held in the beautiful city of Dubai (United Arab Emirates).
The conference is a part of the conferences on Advances in Science and Engineering Technology (ASET) organized by the Higher Colleges of Technology.
To promote the proper application of advanced materials, design and manufacturing technologies in different fields, the conference aims to represent a forum for exchanging ideas, presenting the latest developments and trends, proposing new solutions and promoting international collaborations. To fulfil these objectives, we are preparing a comprehensive program which includes keynote lectures, symposia on a variety of topics as well as technical workshops on subjects of industrial interest.
Special attention is given to the social programs to allow for networking opportunities against the backdrop of Dubai.
The HCT warmly invites you to join us and enjoy ASET | AMDM. Together with all the members of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, we shall look forward to meeting you in Dubai.
Dr. Najeeb Khan (Conference Chair)
Dr. Mansoor Janjua (Conference Chair)
Venue Academic City Campus
Date 20/02/2023